Over the Holidays there were discussions around, "Which is more powerful? Love or Fear?" I definitely say LOVE. Either feeling is a choice. We decide what we choose to feel. The energy we choose to embody.
This morning I woke up to a thought..... I hear so many say, "They are trying to keep us in FEAR". The media, the government, the doctors... whatever! You pick. But, WHAT IF, just WHAT IF, WE can make the difference? What if YOU can be the change? What if YOU, one person, can CHOOSE to feel love over fear? What if it starts with YOU?
I believe, that we are in a world with so much fear. WE started it. The above channels feed off what we started, how most of the world is feeling. How can WE change that? WHAT IF the change this world needs starts with YOU? Kindness... Compassion... Love....
Just what if.....what if......