It's been such a LONG journey for me. Since childhood, actually. I remember not feeling good enough, thin enough, athletic enough, pretty enough.... I struggled with all the 'enoughnesses'. It's been damn hard, work!
Here's the thing. We all are guided by the 'experts' that we 'have to' walk for 20 minutes a day, or eat more kale, or plan your meals, or set boundaries with your - for God's sake name it - husband, kids, boss, coworker, etc. BUT, here's the deal..... If you don't LOVE yourself FIRST, how do you do that? How do you believe you are worthy of telling your boss that you need to take that lunch break for your mental health? What if he gets mad at you? Or you ask your partner to watch the kids so you can get a massage. Huh? Do people actually do that?
It all starts with self-love, baby!
What is ONE little thing you can do today, or every day? Heck, let's just start with today! One little thing, baby steps, one day at a time, that is love for YOU! What is that? Take a 5 minute walk to breathe the fresh air? Meditate for 10 minutes? Hug a tree and get some amazing energy from the earth? Eat that amazing salad that you enjoy? Stop working at 5pm? Read a book that feeds your soul (5 minutes)? Take a class?
Breathe... and open your heart! It will come. Listen to your body. Listen to your heart.
Would love to hear your ideas.
Changing the world, one person at a time! That's how it's done. Jenn